La Fin.

Posted: 25/12/2010 | Posted by Ross Idzhar |

As promised, some final portfolio examples. From the top, Vanilla Magazine (Art Culture Magazine brief), Odyssey (BFI Film Festival Brochure brief) & the Sydney Dance Company Email Newsletter.

I was trying to think how best to summarise Shillington College, but I reckon the three images above encapsulate it all for me. The focus, intensity, knowledge and delivery of lessons were immensly beneficial, not to mention enjoyable. And I don't think I can thank Orla, Sarah and John enough for imparting their words of wisdom in a consistently patient, friendly and constructive manner.

There's nothing about the course I would change and if I were to do it all again, perhaps I might try and be a little more adventurous with my ideas. Nevertheless, I think I got as much out of it as I could and hope it'll serve me well on the looming job hunt.

Hope the blog has been interesting and useful for any perspective Shillington students.

Merry Christmas!


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