Day 60. Au revoir Shillington & Manchester. Hello snow.

Posted: 18/12/2010 | Posted by Ross Idzhar |

Portfolios printed after what must have been a record number of reprints.
Certificate ceremony. John, Sarah & Orla (Right to Left) - LEGENDS.
Show prepping at the Soup Kitchen, Manchester.

So after what felt like a whirlwind, I'm finally finished (nicely topped off with a flight cancellation and 8 hour boat ride to Belfast.)

On Thursday we finished off our portfolios and headed down to a presentation at the Soup Kitchen. A free bar aided in loosening everyone up, with friends and family checking out Manchester's finest graphics design work.

I'm just home and don't have the energy to write anymore. I'll add one final post to summerize my time at Shillington along with final portfolio examples.


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